#107 Curious about...Getting "Green" at Work, Home & the Contact Center w/Nicole Nutile, Manager-Customer Success & Customer Experience

In this episode, #107, Denise and Nicole Nutile of Wiley discuss how to incorporate sustainability or "going green" into daily life and the workplace, emphasizing the importance of small, impactful changes. 

Nicole Nutile shares her journey from working in operations to becoming the global co-chair of the Wiley Green Group, driven by her passion for eco-friendly practices. She highlights surprising statistics about plastic pollution and other types of litter, emphasizing the urgency of environmental action. 

Additionally, Nicole offers a free PDF on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, inviting listeners to DM her or Denise on LinkedIn to get a copy and start making a difference today.

#107 Curious about...Getting "Green" at Work, Home & the Contact Center w/Nicole Nutile, Manager-Customer Success & Customer Experience
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